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Eye Lift Services

Eye Lift & Rejuvenation Services

in Newport Beach, CA

Our iAesthetica Services Helps Refine Your Facial Aesthetics  

EmbraceRF - Eye Rejuvenation 

Are you looking to refresh your eyes for a more youthful appearance? Embrace RF is a non-invasive technology that will brighten your eyes for a more youthful rested appearance. 


EmbraceRF is a break-through treatment that combines two powerful and clinically proven technologies to provide a dramatic improvement to skin laxity. EmbraceRF is a subdermal adipose remodeling device (SARD) that involves minimally invasive radio-frequency energy to treat fat and contract skin, as well as bipolar RF energy to improve textural and fat concerns. 


If you feel your eyes are aging causing you to look tired, sad, mad, our eye rejuvenation treatment using EmbraceRF, is the quick, easy, and affordable solution.

  • Our eye lift technology requires zero incisions, which makes it low risk. 

  • There is no downtime (in most cases).

  • The most inexpensive of all options.

  • Typically a quick in-office treatment.

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Ready For Brighter Eyes?

Before & After EmbraceRF

All of our clients have expressed that our eye lift treatments, using EmbraceRF, was the treatment they have been looking for.


With a 100% satisfaction rate, we know that you will love the results as these clients did as well. Take a look through these before and after photos to see the difference yourself!

Eyes and Brows

Why Choose EmbraceRF for Your Eye Lift Service in Newport Beach, CA

This new technology is similar to a mini-facelift but is far less invasive and traumatic. FaceTite is the most advanced facial contouring and refinement procedure being offered today. You are left with surgical-like results with dramatically less downtime and scarring. Whether you’d like to reduce the bulkiness in your face and neck, contour your jowls or just get your skin to tighten as it once did, FaceTite could be a terrific option.


If you or someone you know is interested in learning more or scheduling a consultation, please call us.

What Patients Are Saying About EmbraceRF

My skin has not felt this firm since I was a single woman in my twenties. There was little to no discomfort and I was back to my normal activities the next day.
- Janet
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